ทิชชู่เปียก แซนนิซอฟท์ ปราศจากแอลกอฮอล์ น้ำหอม และพาราเบน

Sanisoft Baby Wipes 99.9% Mineral Water

Dermatologically Tested

99.9%Mineral Water

20, 80 Sheets

Contain 20 Sheets

Contain 80 Sheets

Sanisoft Baby Wipes 99.9% Mineral Water

あかちやんにやさしい - Baby Friendly

99.9% Mineral Water

Aloe Vera & Vit-E
moisturise and revitalise skin.

with Pro Vitamin B5


  Open frontresealable sticker or lid.
  Reseal or keep lid closed when not in use toprevent drying.


  Keep out of reachof children.
  Keep product away fromdirect sunlight and heat.
  If irritation, inflammation, rash or other skin problems occurs, stop using.
  Do not dispose wipesinto toilet system.